We're Not Kids Anymore

ASK ME, I'll TELL YOU WHERE IAM.    When I was a baby. I almost died.  Of mal nutrition and neglect. What saved my cells? Bananas. Yes, I guess it replaces Formula but that is a babies digestive system.  Prope1r diet wont cause potassium overdose. Now I'd never thought my bones will be as fragile again...  At 23, I stop growing. I mean height wise? Of course I can always expand.   Anywho, I've been Brocken by Society, it seems I've reached a pinnicale in social studious and culture when one must decide the future of ones self. My body is weakened, my mind is vulnerable. As a human, I understand when the book calls us Clay Men.  So my stomach has evolved into devouring solid food. Hence the milk of nutrients come differently to me. I would need Direct sources of desolvent calcium and a steady source of protein while maintaining a consistent carb energy refueling.  Let's not talk about me but talk about you.. at this stage, social awkwardness has left my character and I'm left with an interesting discovery. Women!!!! Yes! We make them they make us. Now sometimes one can encourage women. Let's say one hates SEX. WELL?!?!  As a male I can help women understand themselves. How? Answer this question.. while must they like it? Really? It is addictive. You love it while you do it. Because it feels Great. So  are you really prude? Or is someone doing you wrong?  You always ask why does you like it. It is enjoyable. And after


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